Board Games That Take 45 Minutes to Play

Board game aficionados sometimes have a difficult time convincing others to sit and play, especially if games takes up to 45 minutes.

Whether it’s your wife or husband, siblings or friends, the trick is to find and play a captivating board game that they can enjoy.

Well, if you’re looking for a few incredibly addictive board games, for all level of gamers, that take around 45 minutes to play, look no further! These board games are easy to set up, with fast game dynamics, and simple rules that offer high replay-ability.

So, below is my list of the top 5 board games that take around 45 minutes to play.

Article Contents:

  1. Ticket to Ride · 35 – 60 minutes · 2 to 5 player
  2. Survive: Escape from Atlantis · 45 – 60 minutes · 2 to 4 player
  3. Carcassonne · 35 – 45 minutes · 2 to 5 player
  4. Splendor · 25 – 45 minutes · 2 to 4 player
  5. Pandemic · 45 – 60 minutes · 2 to 4 player

1. Ticket to Ride

Gameplay: 35 to 60 minutes
Players: 2 to 5
Transportability: Low
Difficulty to Learn: Medium
Setup Time: 10 minutes
Expansions: Yes
Price: $55 – $65

ticket to ride board game

Firstly, I know what you’re thinking: “How can a train-based board game be addictive”? Honestly, I thought the exact same thing too when I first heard about it.

But, after my first time playing Ticket to Ride, I became absolutely addicted to this board game.

Quick Rules

The name of the game is to be awarded the most points by the end.

Players can score points two ways: (1) By purchasing and placing rail cars between cities, and (2) by completing destination cards.

At the end of the game, any destination cards that are not completed result in negative points being awards.

Why it’s Great

Ticket to Ride is such a great board game for young and old because it takes the right amount of luck and strategy to win.

Depending on the number of players, games usually take 45 minutes to finish. It’s very easy to setup and explain, and every game is different so you’ll never get bored!

Looking for the complete rules to play Ticket to Ride? Check them out here.

Gameplay: 45 to 60 minutes
Players: 2 to 4
Transportability: Low
Difficulty to Learn: Low
Setup Time: 5 minutes
Expansions: No
Price: $40 – $50

survive escape from atlantis board game

Probably one of the most captivating board games out there, Survive: Escape from Atlantis is truly a battle that runs about 45 minutes long.

Quick Rules

The name of the game is to get your players off of a volcanic island that’s poised to explode.

But, toss in a few sharks, whales, and seas serpents, pepper in some occasional sabotage, and you’ve got a recipe for truly blockbuster board game for all!

Why it’s Great

The unpredictability of the game, competing player strategies, and, at times, the pure cut-throat action makes this a thrilling board games everyone will soak up!

Looking for the complete rules to play Survive: Escape from Atlantis? Check them out here.

Gameplay: 35 to 45 minutes
Players: 2 to 5
Transportability: Medium
Difficulty to Learn: Medium
Setup Time: 2 minutes
Expansions: Yes
Price: $35 – $45

carcassonne board game

A competitive yet swift board game, Carcassonne pits players against one another to build and expand castles, farm fields, complete monasteries, and build roads, one tile at a time.

Usually only lasting 45 minutes, this board game is great for young and old, and doesn’t require too much critical thinking.

Quick Rules

Setting up this board game consists of taking out the scoring board, choosing a colour of “followers” and mixing up the game tiles face-down in the box. That’s it!

Tiles are selected at random and players must connect them to other tiles already in play. But, tiles must fit together such that the “border” of the tiles work together.

A new tile, when connected to an existing tile, must complete the map without producing a fallacy, such as a road ending abruptly, a field-edged tile connected to a city-edge tile, etc.

Why it’s Great

The randomness of the tiles, and the ability to wreak havoc on your opponent’s gameplay are quintessential to why Carcassonne is an ideal board game for players looking for a relatively intense game that’s super fun and plays in under an hour.

Looking for the complete rules to play Carcassonne? Check them out here.

Gameplay: 25 to 45 minutes
Players: 2 to 4
Transportability: Medium
Difficulty to Learn: Low
Setup Time: 5 minutes
Expansions: Yes
Price: $35 – $40

splendor board game

Splendor is a game of patience, persistence and perseverance, and depending on the number of players, lasts up to 45 minutes.

Quick Rules

The goal of this deck-building board game is to collect gem tokens and gem cards to ultimately gain prestige points before your opponent. The first player to reach or exceed 15 prestige points wins!

To get prestige points, you need to purchase prestige gem cards. To purchase prestige gem cards, you need to have either enough tokens (chips) and/or other gem cards. And, to get gem cards, you need to purchase them with tokens. Finally, to get tokens, you can pick them up 3 (or two) at a time on your turn.

Phew! That’s the game in a nutshell.

Why it’s Great

Splendor can feel like you’re playing a chess match because you are constantly anticipating your opponents next move while planning your own.

It hurts my brain just thinking about it. Case in point, my wife is incredibly good at this board game. Over the past several years she’s won every game we’ve played, easily…

If you want, you can also pickup the expansions box which offer alternative ways of playing so it never gets repetitive… But don’t worry, it never does!

Looking for the complete rules to play Splendor? Check them out here.

Gameplay: 45 to 60 minutes
Players: 2 to 4
Transportability: Low
Difficulty to Learn: Medium
Setup Time: 5 minutes
Expansions: Yes
Price: $80 – $90

pandemic board game

An uncontrolled outbreak of disease is sweeping across the globe. Your goal – Contain the spread of pathogens and find the cure before it’s too late!

Quick Rules

Well, similar to the Spanish Flu and, more recently COVID-19, Pandemic is a hyper realistic cooperative board game that pits human-kind against potentially world-ending diseases.

So, can you work together to research, eradicate, and ultimately cure infectious diseases [from the comfort of your living room table]? There’s only one way to find out…

Why it’s Great

Pandemic perfectly emulates the spread of infectious diseases. And, just like the COVID-19 response across the globe, people have worked together to save lives and to stop its spread.

So, because the game dynamics are very true-to-life, and collaboration is key, Pandemic is a fantastic cooperative board game which lasts 45 minutes. You’ll be playing over and over, regardless if you’re in lockdown or not!

Looking for the complete rules to play Pandemic? Check them out here.

With less than an hour of free time, which board games do you end up playing? Let me know your favourites in the comments below! 

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